DW Tips

Business Websites: This Mistake May Be Costing You Money

Jun 26, 2015 by Paul

The challenge with a company website is to direct your visitors to where you want them to go. The book 7 Costly Mistakes That Derail Online Marketing notes:

Don’t assume that the visitor will figure it out and love what you have. The determining factor of whether we have something that others will buy or not is the consumer. Our job is to guide them step by step on what we want them to do.

Directing Visitors.jpgThe application is simple yet very powerful. You need to have a certain goal, and everything on your website needs to be centred around that goal. For instance, many websites want you to complete an enquiry form. If that is the case, then there needs to be compelling copy on your landing page, with a clear call to action on the bottom, powered by a hyperlink that takes your visitor right to a page where they can complete the enquiry form.

Don't assume anything in the world of online marketing. Guide your prospects step by step and show them where you want them to go.

Contact us if you would like to learn more about effective business website design.

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
