DW Tips

Measure the Stats that Google Measures for Peak Ranking

Jul 6, 2018 by kidd

Everything seems like it's about analytics these days. You might want to just get back to the business of selling and reaching new markets, but ignoring the details of your data can be costly in every avenue of online business. If analytics seem overwhelming or tedious, start breaking up the tasks into different lenses. Some of your data is important for your marketing strategy, so your marketer (or you when you don your marketer hat) needs to pay attention to that spectrum. There's also data for customer service optimization, security, and more. But when your focus is SEO, pretend you're Google. Here are some of the stats Google cares about you might have skipped over.

How fast does your site load?

Site speed matters. Even on a human level, how fast a new page loads on a laptop or a smartphone dictates if a potential lead bothers to stick around. If your content doesn't appear quickly or your videos are caught up in an endless cycle of buffering, all but the most dedicated audience members will click away. 

But it also matters on a scale that's not necessarily measurable on its own. Site speed, even on the microscopic scale, impacts your rankings in search results. That means speed can hurt your website traffic a lot: not only will it rank lower initially, the ranking will keep falling as people get frustrated and click away instead of interacting with your site.

Do you have duplicate content?

Repurposing content is a good idea. Inbound marketing stresses the importance of high-quality content, and that content takes a long time to create. So having short articles and then bundling them up into a long-form pillar page is useful for you and for readers. 

But Google doesn't necessarily like duplicate content. On the face of things, it can seem suspicious or spammy. But using the right tags, like Rel=Canonical, to attribute the material and trace it back to the original source can mitigate the damage. Set up Analytics to track if visitors are prompted to visit potentially duplicate content and comb through your site to make sure your canonical tags are in order.

If backend management like improving site speed and added encoded tags isn't something you're interested in, that's okay. We can help you optimize your site so you can focus on your business.
