DW Tips

Where Do Most DIY SEO Campaigns Fall Short?

Jul 3, 2015 by Paul

Landing Page.jpgYour website may have great content and you may be offering awesome freebies. However, unfortunately, your visitors still might not sign up for your email list, or complete your contact form. Why?

The problem with your search engine optimisation (SEO) usually lies in one of two places:

  • Either you have no landing page for your campaign, or
  • Your landing page is ineffective

A good landing page must solve your reader's problem instantly. Anything else is a waste of her time and yours. Many business owners send traffic to their website's home page. A user might visit, click around for a few minutes, and possibly stumble on your newsletter sign up form. However, even if she does, her humdrum experience with your brand so far likely won't compel her to fill it out. She won't hate you or anything. She'll just think to herself, "Maybe next time," like we all do.

A good landing page consists of:

  1. An attractive design that loads quickly,
  2. A compelling header that draws the reader in,
  3. A clear and irresistible offer,
  4. Interesting, engaging or professional sales copywriting,
  5. Minimal navigation, and
  6. A simple, quick form

Unless you know how to execute these elements with precision, your landing page won't generate leads and you will have wasted valuable marketing time.

While it's true that you can do your own SEO, and some business owners have been successful, you have to dedicate a lot of time to teaching yourself how to structure a campaign. You then have to fine tune your campaign for what advertising strategies actually work for your industry.

A Practical Example

For example, Pinterest just isn't the best platform to market a pest control business. And, let's say you're marketing to seniors; do you really know what websites they frequent? If you think senior interest websites are the only ones they frequent, expect a surprise. In addition to sites about retirement planning and health, you can market to seniors through sites that are about:

  • The hobbies they enjoy like fishing and photography,
  • The activities they enjoy like golf,
  • Funding their grandchildren's education,
  • Continuing their own education,
  • Their pets,
  • Their Cars, and
  • So much more

Understand Your Market

Understanding your target market is essential in SEO, and so is knowing how to reach them. That's why many DIY marketers miss important pieces of the equation like landing pages; because they just don't have time to learn a whole new career. It's like becoming an IT professional, a veterinary assistant, or a business manager. Most people don't have time to learn these skill sets and run a business at the same time.

That's why we're here to help. Contact us when you're ready to take your marketing campaign to the next level. We can't wait to bring you the leads you're craving!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
